Lloyd Wine Outfitters received the award for Best Exterior Renovation. The Furniture Clinic received the
Best Seasonal Display award
The Chamber of Commerce has taken on the challenge of continuing the dialogue on "Shaping Alberta's Future" that began with the Premiers Council on the Economy luncheon hosted by the Chamber in Lloydminster last June. The full document can be found at www.alberta.ca/premierscouncileconomicstrategy.cfm
The students of the Lakeland College Business Class - Speical Projects assisted the Chamber by producing a website which will be going live in the next week and by presenting this information to about 125 of their fellow students. The challenge of the premier to the council and the council to communities was:
> What must Albertans begin to do new to sustain prosperity through the next three decades and beyond
> How can we ensure our children and grandchildren enjoy even greater opportunity than we have - that we hand future generations a legacy of "a better Alberta".
> What will it take to make the Alberta of 2040 the place for creative and committed citizens to live, work, raise families, contribute to and enjoy society.
I hope that you will contemplate these questions and consider how you might participate in "Guiding the Future" of Alberta right here in Lloydminster. Check out the website at www.guidethefuture.net any time after April 16th.
Till next time .....
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