I was pleased to attend the Alberta Chamber Executives meeting, the Alberta Chamber Board of Director's Meeting and the Deputy Minister's Dinner in Edmonton last week. The new Chief Deputy Mininster, Peter Watson (above) addressed the over 300 Chamber members in attendance. It was interesting to meet the new Deputy Ministers, some of them very new to their posts, and hear about the agenda of this new government of Premier Redford. I had an opportunity to speak briefly with Mr. Watson towards the goal of coordinating between our Lloydminster Leaders Group and the Deputy Ministers in Alberta, similar to the one held last in late September in Regina.
I'm off shortly to the Servus Credit Union sponsored Chamber Connect where their President & CEO will inform the Chamber members in attendance about the economic forcast.
Next week will be a busy week for our Chamber and our community. The Lloydminster Christmas Trade Show and Craft and Antique show will be held at the Lloydminster Exhibition Grounds from Nov. 18 - 20. This is a huge revenue generator for our Chamber and our community. Be sure to come out and visit the show. If you have a bit of time to volutneer, we will welcome that as well.
Till next time.